Krabi, an idyllic getaway for any type of travelers ranging from very budget to a luxurious one. Residing in southern Thailand with a stunning view both inland and at sea, Krabi named as a national park that carries natural assets to serve you endless joy. Visitors could stay more than weeks just to enjoy each activity to heart, and some leave yearning for more. Krabi is a remarkable destination as it includes the island paradises of Koh Phi Phi and Koh Lanta, it hosts many attractions like hot springs, wildlife sanctuary, sea caves, flourishing coral reefs, and exotic marine life, limestone cliffs that draw rock climbing enthusiasts from around the world. This national park features some of the most photogenic sunsets in Thailand, often accompanied by spectacular displays of cloud to cloud lightning, which is best enjoyed from a beachside bar or restaurant. The most famous and top bucket lists are Island-hopping, snorkeling, rock climbing, sea kayaking, jungle trekking, and scuba diving during your stay.